With ISCM Canadian Section President Rodney Sharman set to step down from our National Council at the end of June, the CLC is thrilled to announce that Bekah Simms will take over as Canadian Section President while Gordon Fitzell will step into the role of vice-president.
ISCM Leadership Announcement
With ISCM Canadian Section President Rodney Sharman set to step down from our National Council at the end of June, the CLC is thrilled to announce that Bekah Simms will take over as Canadian Section President while Gordon Fitzell will step into the role of vice-president.
Call for Works for score collection ‘No(w) String’
The ISCM Flemish Section (MATRIX New Music Centre) is launching a Call for Works. As part of their educational activities they are preparing an anthology of contemporary music for string instruments, suitable for young / amateur musicians.
(re)Charg(é) Cohort Announcement
The Canadian League of Composers is thrilled to announce the first cohort of our (re)Charg(é) mentorship program!
In Memoriam Jack Behrens
The CLC was deeply saddened to learn that longtime member Jack Behrens passed away on December 9, 2024.
2024 Friends of Canadian Music Award Winners
The Canadian League of Composers and the Canadian Music Centre are thrilled to announce Cris Derksen as the winner of the 2024 Friends of Canadian Music Award. Cris has selected Sonny-Ray Day Rider to receive support as an emerging artist.
2025 World New Music Days Anouncement
The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is thrilled to announce that two of our submitted works have been selected for inclusion at the 2025 World New Music Days in Portugal: Chris Sivak’s Alouette Meets Her Maker has been selected in...
Rivers #10: Portfolio Careers: How to Make a Living in Music
RSVP HereWhile we all dream of being able to support ourselves exclusively through composition, the reality is that there are very few composers who are able to do so. In order to survive and thrive, it is increasingly important that musicians, of all types, wear...
Norma Beecroft Memorial
The CLC was saddened to learn of Norma Beecroft’s passing on Saturday, October 19, 2024. A longtime member of the League, Norma was one of Canada’s most groundbreaking 20th-century composers, blazing a trail in the world of electronics that set the stage for many of...
(re)charg(é) Mentorship Program
The CLC is thrilled the announce the launch of a new mentorship program: (re)Charg(é) (re)Charg(é) is a program for composers or sound artists, at any point in their careers, who are not currently enrolled in an academic music training program, and who wish to...
Friends of Canadian Music Award
Friends of Canadian Music Award 2024: Call for Nominations Do you know someone who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to elevating Canadian composers and/or sound artists? Now is your chance to celebrate them! Performers, ensembles, administrators,...
Annual General Meeting
The CLC will host our 2024 Annual General Meeting in Toronto at the Canadian Music Centre on Saturday, September 21 at 1:30PM EDT. The meeting will also be broadcast on-line for those who are unable to attend in person. You can sign up using the registration...
New Councillors
The CLC is happy to announce our new council members! Maria-Eduarda Mendes Martins is taking over the treasurer position, Sasha Louis Leger is our new Atlantic Region Representative and Lesley Hinger is our new Alberta/Northern Region...
Linda Catlin Smith Elected Honorary Member of the ISCM
We are thrilled to announce that Linda Catlin Smith has been elected as an Honorary Member of the International Society for Contemporary Music at the 2024 World New Music Days in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. The nomination was put forward by Rodney Sharman, President of...
In Memoriam Phil Nimmons (1923-2024)
This past April, a giant in the world of Canadian music passed peacefully into the great beyond- leaving behind a massive legacy that lives through generations of musicians, teachers and audiences. This loss is personal for us at the CLC, as Phillip Nimmons was the...
ISCM WNMD 2025 Canadian Section Announcement
The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce the six works that will comprise our submission to the 2025 World New Music Days in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal. The festival will take place from May 29th to June 7th,...
2023 Friends of Canadian Music Award Winners
The Canadian League of Composers and the Canadian Music Centre are thrilled to announce Dylan Robinson as the winner of the 2023 Friends of Canadian Music Award. Dylan has selected Sherryl Sewepagaham to receive support as an emerging artist. Dylan Robinson is one of...
Juno Nominees
The 2024 Juno nominations are out and it’s another banner year for CLC members!Former CLC General Manager and current ISCM Canadian Section vice-president Bekah Simms’ album Bestiares has been nominated for Classical Album Of The Year: Large Ensemble. Amy...
ISCM Canadian Section Call for Works for ISCM World New Music Days 2025 in Lisbon & Porto, Portugal, May 30 - June 7, 2025 DEADLINE: March 8, 2024 The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce a call for works to...
The Canadian League of Composers is thrilled to congratulate members Adam Vincent Clarke, Andrew Staniland, Edward Enman, Jason Noble, and Monica Pearce on their nominations for Classical Composer of the Year at this year’s East Coast Music Awards! We wish them all...
The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is thrilled to announce that Amy Brandon’s string quartet Lysis has been selected for inclusion in the 2024 World New Music Days in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. Written in 2022, Lysis was...
Annoucing PIVOT Mentor-Mentee Pairings
The Canadian League of Composers is proud to announce the 2024 PIVOT mentor-mentee pairings Andrew Staniland & Anju Singh Emilie LeBel & Janet Sit Bekah Simms & Ricardo Ferro Linda Catlin Smith & Lyberté-Anne Lymberiou Jason Noble & Alexander...
Gary Kulesha Appointment to the Order of Canada
The Canadian League of Composers would like to congratulate CLC member Gary Kulesha on his recent appointment to the Order of Canada. In addition to his significant achievements as a composer, including almost three decades serving as the TSO’s Composer Advisor,...
PIVOT 2023-24 Announcement
The Canadian League of Composers, in partnership with Continuum Contemporary Music and the Canadian Music Centre, is thrilled to announce the five composers taking part in the 2023-24 edition of our PIVOT Mentorship Program:Alexander Bridger (NL) Ricardo Ferro (ON)...
Friends of Canadian Music Award 2023: Call for Nominations
Nominate here Do you know someone who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to elevating Canadian composers and/or sound artists? Now is your chance to celebrate them! Performers, ensembles, administrators, broadcasters, journalists, teachers, composers, sound...
PIVOT 2023-24: Call for Applicants
Apply here! The Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with Continuum Contemporary Music and the Canadian Music Centre, is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2023-24 PIVOT Mentorship Program. Deadline: Sunday October 1 2023 @...
Six works chosen for the ISCM Canadian Section 2024
The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce the six works that will comprise our submission to the 2024 World New Music Days in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. The festival will take place from June 22 – June 30, 2024. The...
AGM 2023-24 In-Person Meeting
The 2023-24 AGM in-person meeting was a great success! In addition to the annual general meeting, the CLC council and staff spent the weekend planning and envisioning strategies for the CLC. We also attended a workshop with Paolo Griffin of Xenia Concerts on adaptive...
Canadian League of Composers + Canadian Music Centre Ontario Region Statement on Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Season Cancellation
CLC/CMC Advocacy Sign-Up Form The Canadian Music Centre and the Canadian League of Composers are shocked and dismayed to learn about the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony’s last minute decision to cancel their entire 2023/24 season. In addition to the immediate and...
ISCM Canadian Section Call for Works 2024
ISCM Canadian Section Call for Works for ISCM World New Music Days 2024 in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, June 22 - June 30, 2024 DEADLINE: August 11, 2023 The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce a call for works to...
Marion Newman & Continuum Contemporary Music co-winners of FCMA 2022
The Canadian League of Composers, in collaboration with the Canadian Music Centre, is thrilled to announce Marion Newmanand Continuum Contemporary Music as co-winners of the 2022 Friends of Canadian Music Award. For their emerging artists, they have selected Jessica...
A memorial for Jocelyn Morlock
Together, with so many across Canada, the Canadian League of Composers mourns the loss of composer Jocelyn Morlock. Jocelyn is one of Canada’s most significant and most loved composers. She was a dear friend and a truly essential part of musical culture in Canada,...
Six works selected for submission to World New Music Days 2023
The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce the six works comprising our submission to the 2023 World New Music Days in Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa. The festival will take place from November 24-December 3,...
CLC Founding Member John Beckwith Has Passed Away at 95
We are profoundly saddened to hear the news that John Beckwith has passed away. A founding member of the Canadian League of Composers and the Canadian Music Centre, John had a profound impact on the history and development of Canadian music. During his...
Meet our new Councillors of 2022
We asked the newest members of the CLC National council to write a sentence or two about why they joined the CLC and what they hope to achieve. Check out what they said below!
PIVOT 2022-23 Participants Announced
Left to right: Sam Meadahl, Lina Choi, Sara Constant The Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with Sporobole, is thrilled to announce the three artists in the 2022-23 PIVOT program: Lina Choi (QC)Sara Constant (ON)Sam Meadahl (BC) Each artist will be...
Introducing our CLC Storyteller Keith Stratton
We are thrilled to introduce our CLC storyteller, who will be here with us for June-August 2022 thanks to assistance from the Canada Summer Jobs program. Hailing from Charlottetown, PEI, Keith Stratton is a Toronto-based composer, multi-instrumentalist, and...
Mark Takeshi McGregor wins the 2021 Friends of Canadian Music Award
The Canadian League of Composers and the Canadian Music Centre are pleased to present the 2021 Friends of Canadian Music Award (FCMA) to flutist Mark Takeshi McGregor. A cash prize of $1325 will be awarded to the winner and another $1325 to an emerging...
ISCM Canadian Section – Selected Works 2021
The Canadian League of Composers is pleased to present the recordings of the works selected by the Canadian Section of the ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music) to represent Canada at the ISCM World New Music Days 2021 in Shanghai,...
PIVOT 2021-22 participants announced
October 14, 2021, Canada - The Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with Pro Coro, is pleased to announce the six members of the 2021-22 PIVOT cohort: Mari Alice Conrad (AB)Maxime Daigneault (QC)Kalaisan Kalaichelvan (ON)Maria Eduarda Martins...
R. Murray Schafer: in memoriam
R. Murray Schafer (1933-2021) was the only Canadian honorary member of the International Society for Contemporary Music R. Murray Schafer was not only one of Canada’s most beloved and arguably most renowned composers, but also a celebrated author, environmentalist,...
Working with Naheyawin
June 10, 2021 The Canadian League of Composers is listening, learning, and taking action in response to ongoing conversations surrounding race and Canada’s colonialist history. Our organizational structure, and the artistic practices for which we have advocated since...
Update from the President
In June the Canadian League of Composers National Council met in-person for our Annual General Meeting weekend. This year we spent the bulk of the weekend discussing and drafting our 5-year strategic plan. Although this may seem like a rather administrative task, the...
PIVOT Participants Announced
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) and Continuum Contemporary Music, are pleased to announce the six participants of PIVOT, a mentorship program for Canadian composers in 2018-19: Amy Brandon (NS) Nathan...
Janice Isabel Jackson wins the 2018 Friends of Canadian Music Award
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are pleased to announce Janice Isabel Jackson as the winner of the 2018 Friends of Canadian Music Award. Every year, the Friends of Canadian Music Award honours those who have demonstrated an...
A Note from the President
There has been a change at the Canadian League of Composers, we have bid a fond farewell to Elisha Denburg as he moves on from the role of General Manager, but are happy to welcome Kathryn Knowles in to the role of GM. Left: Elisha Denburg; Right: CLC President,...
News from the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia
Laboratorio Arts Society LABORATORIO Arts Society is a nonprofit arts organization in Roberts Creek, two hours north of Vancouver. The brainchild of Giorgio Magnanensi, Artistic Director of Vancouver New Music, LABORATORIO Arts Society’s mandate is to foster...
Discover ISCM2017 – Watch the Documentary
Discover ISCM2017 has arrived! This documentary film, directed by Mike Southworth and produced by ISCM2017 Digital Content Strategist Joanna Dundas, features highlighted performances, behind the scenes interviews, and exclusive content. Experience “a day in the life”...
Tania Miller wins the 2017 Friends of Canadian Music Award
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are pleased to announce Tania Miller as the winner of the 2017 Friends of Canadian Music Award. Every year, the Friends of Canadian Music Award...
PIVOT showcase concert to be presented by Continuum Contemporary Music
Giving voice to the next generation of exciting Canadian composers For immediate release: (Toronto, ON), February 28, 2017 - Continuum Contemporary Music continues its season March 25, 2017 at The Music Gallery, with PIVOT, in collaboration with the Canadian League...
PIVOT composer-mentor pairings announced
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) and Continuum Contemporary Music, are pleased to announce the six composer-mentor pairings for PIVOT, a mentorship program for Canadian...
Tim Brady wins the 2016 Friends of Canadian Music Award
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are pleased to announce Tim Brady as the winner of the 2016 Friends of Canadian Music Award. Every year, the Friends of Canadian Music Award honours those who have demonstrated an exceptional...
Welcome to our new President, and two new councillors!
The Canadian League of Composers is pleased to welcome Christopher Reiche as its new President. Reiche replaces Brian Harman mid-term, who held the post since June 2014. Please join us in welcoming Christopher! CHRISTOPHER REICHE is a performer, composer, and...
NYO Canada awarded the 2015 Friends of Canadian Music Award
21 OCTOBER 2015 (Toronto) – The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are pleased to announce the National Youth Orchestra of Canada as the recipient of the 2015 Friends of Canadian Music Award. The annual Friends of Canadian...