Why Become a Member
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) exists as a representational voice for Canada’s art music composers, and currently serves nearly 600 composers, representing all regions, both official languages, and a diversity of styles, backgrounds and career stages.
Our membership is our greatest strength – your membership gives us credibility with funders, such as the arts councils, foundations and governments (municipal, provincial and federal) on which we all depend. It also gives you credibility with your funders to be part of a national organization that represents composers.
Here are some of our membership benefits:
- Be the first to know about upcoming events and opportunities for composers through our monthly Newsflash!;
- Participate in regular Professional Development workshops across Canada;
- Provide a link to your bio on our website;
- Access information regarding Commissioning Rates and Model Contracts;
- Keep informed about the activities of the Canadian Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM);
- Let your voice be heard on behalf of music composed by Canadians on advocacy issues such as commissioning rates, policy changes and Canadian content;
- Have access to musical instrument insurance from Front Row Insurance, an exclusive, association-only instrument insurance program provides coverage against theft, breakage, fire and more.
Membership Categories
To encourage diverse membership in the Canadian League of Composers, the CLC has established four unique categories of membership. Please determine which category of membership you would like to apply for prior to submitting an application.
Professional Membership (voting)
For professional composers of concert music and sound art.
Annual Dues: $75.00 CAD
Required Application Materials:
- Online registration form
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of works
- Provide evidence of sustained and ongoing artistic activity. Include documentation of at least three public performances or equivalents, including but not limited to acoustic music, electroacoustic music, mixed media and multimedia work, installations, sound art, recordings, and online projects.
Professional membership applications require approval from the CLC’s Membership Committee and may take up to a month to process. The CLC’s General Manager will notify you when your application has been assessed.
Note: Composers who are Associate Composers of the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are exempt from the assessment process and do not need to submit a CV, list of works, or documentation of professional performances.
Student Membership (non-voting)
For students preparing for a career in composition.
Annual dues: $25.00 CAD
Required application materials:
Affiliate Membership (non-voting)
For individuals who support the aims and activities of the CLC and wish to be kept informed of CLC activities.
Annual dues: $25.00 CAD
Required application materials:
Emeritus Membership (voting)
For composers aged 65 and over who have had a Professional Membership for a minimum of 5 years.
Annual dues: $0
Required application materials:
- None. Please inform the CLC’s General Manager of your change to Emeritus status by email at admin@composition.org or by phone at 1.877.964.1364.
We recognize the diversity of our membership and the wide range of financial situations that each of us deals with on an annual basis, especially in the time of COVID-19. Please write to us at admin@composition.org if you require accommodation.
Note: Scores and recordings are not required. However, the Membership Committee reserves the right to request these materials from any professional applicant for the purposes of deliberation.
Current Members
- Babin, Louis
- Bachmann, Arthur
- Badian, Maya
- Baker, John
- Baker, Colin
- Balfour, Andrew
- Barber, Lesley
- Barbotin, Ivan
- Baron, Trevor
- Barrette, Jean
- Bashaw, Howard
- Batt, Maureen
- Bauer, Robert
- Beatch, Stuart
- Becker, Bob
- Beckers, Lyon
- Beckett, Ronald
- Bell, D Geoffrey
- Bechthold, Janal
- Berezan, David
- Berg, Gerald
- Bergs, Roger
- Berry, Diane
- Berry, Liam
- Bevan, Allan
- Bicigo, James
- Blaber, Christopher
- Black, Annesley
- Blackmore, Luke
- Blais, Jérôme
- Bloomfield, Owen
- Bodnarchuk, Peter
- Bolton, Rose
- Bonness, Katherine
- Bontemps, David
- Boon, Rolf
- Bordignon, Caroline
- Bouchard, Linda
- Boudreau, Michelle
- Boudreau, Jacques
- Brady, Timothy
- Brandes, Daniel
- Brandon, Amy
- Brasset, Marie-Pierre
- Brazell, Shane
- Brown, Stacey
- Bruton, Rebecca
- Bueno, Liova
- Burgarinovic, Ingeborg
- Burge, John
- Burrill, Glen
- Burritt, Lloyd
- Burry, Dean
- Bushnell, Michael
- Bustard, Candace
- Butler, Jennifer
- Butler-Gray, James
- Butterfield, Christopher
- Cabena, Barrie
- Calleja, Louie Madrid
- Cameron, Allison
- Campbell, Ian
- Carignan, Nicole
- Carpenter, Patrick
- Carrabré, Pat
- Champagne, Éric
- Chan, Ka Nin
- Chang, Dorothy
- Chapman, Saul
- Chappel, Paul
- Charke, Derek
- Cherney, Brian
- Cheung, Alissa
- Chiasson, Frédéric
- Chippewa, Jef
- Chiu, Joseph
- Chouinard, Diane
- Clarke, Adam
- Clarke, Sean
- Clements, Jeffrey
- Coakley, Donald
- Code, James Grant
- Coles, Graham
- Coles, Sarah
- Collard, Vincent
- Conrad, Mari Alice
- Cooney, Cheryl
- Corbeil-Perron, Maxime
- Cormier, André
- Corrigan, Daniel
- Côté, Mathilde
- Cotoman, Diana
- Coutu, Félix-Antoine
- Couturier, Gabriel
- Craig, Georgina
- Crawford, Paul
- Creaghan, Andrew
- Crossman, Allan
- Crutchley, Ian
- Csaba, Ajtony
- Csapo, Gyula
- Cullimore, Jason
- Current, Brian
- Currie, Neil
- Cusson, Ian
- Dahlgren, David
- Daigneault, Maxime
- Daniel, Omar
- Danielson, Janet
- Daoust, Yves
- Dastous, Enrico
- Davies, Victor
- Dawson, Ted
- de Niverville, Abigail
- Denburg, Elisha
- Denburg, Moshe
- Denis, Jean-François
- Dénommé-Welch, Spy
- Derksen, Cris
- Derome, Jean
- Deschênes, Marcelle
- Dharmoo, Gabriel
- Di Castri, Zosha
- Dickson, Christopher
- Dion, Denis
- Dokmecian, Hagop
- Donaghey, Joseph
- Donaldson Sheperd, Karen
- Donovan, Michael
- Doolittle, Emily
- Dorrington, David
- Duffy, Ryan
- Duke, David
- Dupuis, Sophie
- Dusatko, Thomas
- Fairbank, Nicolas R.
- Farkas, Kristy
- Farrell, Dennis
- Farris-Manning, Kim
- Favreau, Raphaël
- Fawcett, David
- Feldman, Barbara Monk
- Feliz, Juro Kim
- Fillman, Peter
- Finley, Ben
- Fitzell, Gordon
- Foda, Insiya
- Fol, Alexandra
- Ford, Clifford
- Forrester, Sheila
- Freedman, Elliot
- Frehner, Paul
- Frenette, Claude
- Fung, Vivian
- Gagné, Marc
- Gagnon, Olivier
- Garbet, Brian
- Gavin, Daniel
- Gellman, Steve
- Genge, Anthony
- George, William
- Gernitz-Bennett, Ashley
- Geroux, Michael
- Gervais, Aaron
- Ghazanchaei, Frank
- Gibson, Liam
- Gibson, Richard
- Gil, Jorge
- Gilbert, Nicolas
- Gillespie, Yvonne
- Gilley, Alexandra Nicole
- Gilliland, Allan
- Gimon, Katerina
- Gironnay, Kevin
- Glaser, Joseph
- Gobeil, Gilles
- Goddard, Christopher
- Gonneville, Michel
- Good, Scott
- Gordeeva, Tatiana
- Gotfrit, Martin
- Gougeon, Denis
- Goulet, Maxime
- Gow, Laura
- Gray, Rebecca
- Gray, John S.
- Green, Emily
- Greenberg, Lauren
- Griffin, Paolo
- Grossi, Jason
- Groven, Marielle
- Guida, Massimo
- Habibi, Iman
- Haddad, Elias
- Hall, Alec
- Hall, Duncan
- Hall, Emily
- Hamel, Keith
- Hamidi, Pouya
- Hamilton, Ted
- Hand, Mark
- Hannesson, Mark
- Hanson, Jens
- Harman, Brian
- Harder, Kendra
- Harrop, Todd
- Hartwell, Hugh
- Hatch, Peter
- Hatzis, Christos
- Hay, Mackenzie
- Hayward, Jason
- Healey, Derek
- Heard, Alan
- Hebert-Tremblay, Suzanne
- Heidari, Maziar
- Heller, Charles
- Henderson, Edward
- Hendricks, R. Duane
- Henry, Kelly
- Hill, Ethan
- Hindman, Heather
- Hinger, Lesley
- Hiscott, Jim
- Ho, Alice
- Ho, Vincent Chee-Yung
- Hobé, Steven
- Hoffman, Laura
- Horemans, Derek
- Horvat, Frank
- Horwood, Michael
- Höstman, Anna
- Howell, Carlie
- Hron, Terri
- Hu, Xiao-ou
- Huang, An-Lun
- Hui, Melissa
- Hui Litster, Jack
- Jacob, Robyn
- Jacobchuk, Alex
- Jaeger, David
- Jamieson, Daryl
- Jang, Alex
- Janzen, Ryan
- Jarvis, Bentley
- Jarvlepp, Jan
- Jiang, Alison Yun-Fei
- Jinga, Naina
- Jobidon, Laurence
- Johnson, Stephen
- Jokic, Ivana
- Kamali, Amirali
- Karabekos, Stefanos
- Kastelic, John
- Kavanagh, Aoife
- Kerr, Samuel
- Khayam, Hooshyar
- Kim, Gideon Gee-Bum
- Kim, Sean
- Kim, Yanghee
- Kimber-Johnson, Kennedy
- King, Margaret
- King, Sean
- Kline, Adam
- Kloppers, Jacobus
- Knight, Judith
- Knights, Matthew-John
- Knox, Roger
- Knudson, Elizabeth Johanna
- Knudson, Gustav
- Kobayashi, Yota
- Komarnicki, Erik
- Komorous, Rudolf
- Koppel, Olga
- Koprowski, Peter Paul
- Krausas, Veronika
- Kulesha, Gary
- Kuo, William
- Kutnowski, Martin
- Kuzmenko, Larysa
- Kytsenko, Dmytro
- Labadie, Colin
- Labor, Timothy
- Lahring, Ben
- Laporte, Dominic
- LaRosa, Chris
- Lau, Frederick
- Freedman, Elliot
- Lau, Kevin
- LeBel, Emilie
- LeBlanc, Jimmie
- Ledroit, Christien
- Lee, Brent
- Lee, Hope
- Lemay, Robert
- Lemieux, Eric F
- Lesage, Jean
- Letourneau, Elise
- Leung, Austin Hin Yan
- Leung, Tony KT
- Levesque, Brianna
- Levkovich, Alexander
- Li, Geoff
- Lidov, David
- Livingston, Cecilia
- Lizée, Nicole
- Lludgar, Analia
- Lo, Theresa Yun Sze
- Locking, Joyce-Anne
- Louie, Alexina
- Lowrie, James
- Luedeke, Raymond
- Luengen, Ramona
- Lymberious, Liberté-Anne
- MacDonald, Andrew P.
- MacDonald, Colin
- Macdonald, Kyle
- MacIntyre, David K.
- Mack, Colin
- MacMillan, Scott
- Magirias, Nicole
- Magowan, Catherine
- Maitland-Whitelaw, Landis
- Maksimovic, Svetlana
- Mamatov, Akbar
- Mansouri, Afarin
- Marcel, Luc
- Marcoux, Isabelle
- Mariner, Justin
- Marois, Réjean
- Marshall, Kye
- Marwood, Shelley
- Mather, Bruce
- Matthews, Michael
- Mayo, Christopher
- McAndrew, Ian
- McConnachie, Daniel
- McDonald, Boyd
- McGraw, Patrick
- McKiver, Beverley
- McIvor, Lark
- McKinley, Maxime
- McMahon, Colin
- McMann, Jessica
- Medd, James
- Mehdizadeh, Daniel
- Melhorn-Boe, David
- Mendes Martins, Maria-Eduarda
- Mermelstein, Julia
- Michaud, Pierre
- Miller, Elma
- Miller, Jared
- Mio, Victor
- Miran, Julian
- Molinari, Maria
- Montgomery, James
- Moore, Sandy V.A.
- Moore, Stephanie
- Morehead, Patricia
- Morris, Stephen
- Morse, Kevin
- Morsink, Coreen
- Mott, David
- Mozarowski, Peter
- Mozetich, Marjan
- Mucino, Sergio
- Muriel, Colleen
- Murphy-King, August
- Murray, Patrick
- Muskens, Anders
- Myhre, Madi
- Paço-Rocchia, Sonia
- Pajalic, Dubravko
- Palacio-Quintin, Cléo
- Paley, Ron
- Palmer, John W. N.
- Palmer, Juliet
- Palomo, Raúl
- Paniconi, Lorenzo
- Panneton, Isabelle
- Parth, Gregory
- Patriquin, Donald
- Pauk, Alex
- Payne, Richard
- Pearce, Monica
- Pearson, Tina
- Pederson, Paul
- Pelz, Ofer
- Peña Laguna, Luis Ernesto
- Pennycook, Bruce W.
- Pepa, Michael
- Perrin, Ross
- Perron, Alain
- Peters, Randolph
- Petkovski, Katharine
- Pettigrew, Laura
- Phillips, Phoenix
- Pidgorna, Anna
- Pillai, Harish
- Pine, Katya
- Piper, Deirdre
- Pishny-Floyd, Monte Keane
- Ploughman, Nick
- Plut, Cale Martin
- Pon, Nova
- Pritchard, Barbara
- Pritchard, Robert
- Pura, William
- Rabe, Marci
- Radford, Laurie
- Rae, Allan
- Raine-Reusch, Randy
- Raminsh, Imant
- Ramon, Evelin
- Rea, John
- Reiche, Christopher
- Renaud, Mitch
- Renault, Sébastien
- Richardson-Schulte, Abigail
- Richert, Teresa
- Rickard, Sylvia
- Ricketts, Matthew
- Ridout, Naomi
- Ridout Kett, Victoria
- Rigsby, Levi
- Ristic, André
- Ritter, Martin
- Ritz, Liam
- Rival, Robert
- Rivest, Jessie
- Robinovitch, Sydney P.
- Rodrigue, Nicole
- Rodriguez, Felipe Ramirez
- Roi, Micheline
- Rolfe, James
- Roper, Tony
- Rose, Francois
- Ross, Clark
- Rowson, William
- Royer, Ronald
- Ruddell, Bruce
- Ryan, Fiona
- Ryan, Jeffrey
- Sabljic, Borisa
- Saindon, Marie-Claire
- Saint-Denis, Patrick
- Sajo, Benjamin
- Samandari, Farshid
- Samavati, Neda
- Samiei, Homa
- Sanchez, Victor
- Santa Ana, Alfredo
- Santiago, Armando
- Sargsyan, Vahram
- Schibli, Nadia
- Schipizky, Frederick
- Schmidt, Heather
- Schneider, Ernst
- Schouten, Duncan
- Schultz, Arlan N.
- Schwindt, Eric
- Scime, Adam
- Scott, David R.
- Scully, Colin
- Seif, Sami
- Senécal, Pierre-Luc
- Seo, Luna
- Servida, Simon
- Shahi, Saman
- Shapiro, Olga
- Sharman, Rodney
- Shcherbakov, Evgeny
- Simms, Bekah
- Sirett, Mark
- Siu, Remy
- Sivak, Chris
- Skarecky, Jana
- Slaats, Alison L.
- Slean, Sarah
- Slipp, Cameron
- Sloley, Amani
- Smallman, Jeff
- Smith, Caitlin
- Smith, Linda Caitlin
- Smith, Ronald Bruce
- Soden, Kit
- Sorensen, Dale
- Specht, Judy
- Stanford, Jason
- Staniland, Andrew
- Steenhuisen, Paul
- Steinberg, Ben
- Stewart, D. Andrew
- Stride, Fred
- Stroobach, Evelyn
- Sulit, Raul M.
- Sullivan, Timothy
- Sunabacka, Karen
- Sutherland, Glenn
- Suzuki, Kotoka
- Swoger-Ruston, Paul
- Walker, Brandon
- Walker, Jacqueline
- Wallace, William
- Wall-Andrews, Charlie
- Ware, Peter
- Warrack, David
- Washburn, Jon
- Waterman, Matthew
- Watson Henderson, Ruth
- Weinstangel, Sasha
- Westerkamp, Hildegard
- Weston, Damaris
- Whittington, Scott
- Williamson, Gordon
- Willsher, Peter
- Wilson, Luke
- Winiarz, John
- Winter, Holly
- Woolard, Matthew
- Wright, James
- Wu, Hsiu-Ping