August Murphy-King
General Manager
The General Manager works with the President and Committee chairs to coordinate events, projects, grant applications, communications, publicity, marketing and general administration. To contact the General Manager or any members of the CLC Council, please email generalmanager@composition.org.
From scoring films, to researching rap, to running a concert series dedicated to new Canadian music, to hauling percussion around southern Ontario, to helping an entire class of students collectively compose a piece for symphony orchestra, composer August Murphy-King has worn a wide array of hats throughout his musical career.
After honing his craft as a composer of contemporary concert music and completing a doctorate in composition at the University of Toronto, he made his first foray into film music in 2019, composing music for the Irish-Canadian feature film “The Winter Lake.’ A strong believer in collaboration, August works closely with directors, writers, performers, and content creators to help breath musical life into their projects
Currently based in Toronto, August lives with his fiancée, violist Emilie Gélinas-Noble. When not working on music, he can usually be found doing something in the kitchen.

Gabo Champagne
Assistant General Manager
The Assistant General Manager works jointly with the General Manager and the Council to ensure the smooth day-to-day operation of the CLC and to help manage its activities and initiatives. To contact the Assistant General Manager, please email admin@composition.org.
A transdisciplinary artist living in Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang (Montreal), Gabo’s work is at the confluence of contemporary music, experimental theatre, performance art, video, electroacoustic music and lighting design. A versatile artist, she has written and co-written many works as a composer, actor-dancer, instrumentalist, performer, director, playwright, author, lighting designer, sound designer and video artist. Her more recent works explore such forms as contemporary opera, experimental music theatre and video performance.