Schedule of Music Engraving and Preparation Rates

The fees indicated are the CLC’s suggested minimum rates, effective July 25th, 2024.

Music engraving/copying rates including all applicable services (e.g. digital entry from manuscript, content editing, formatting/layout, detail work, extracting parts, cueing, generating performance notes/front matter) are broken down by three largely interchangeable systems 1) Hourly/bench rate 2) Page rate 3) Frame rate (1 frame = 1 active bar of music.

Physical music preparation tasks (printing & binding) are broken down by two systems:

1) Hourly/bench rate 2) Per page.

Other services (proofreading, transcribing from audio/takedown, MIDI import cleanup, library services, creating piano reductions, private lessons/general consulting) are all based on respective hourly/bench rates.

It is always advisable when negotiating to calculate fees using multiple methods and to choose the pay structure which is most appropriate for the project. Flat rates are also common in many circles, especially on large-scale projects.

All rates are in CAD and are subject to applicable provincial sales taxes (federal GST in the case of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut).

For more information, please see the attached full report.

Music Engraving/Copying Fees

Hourly/Bench Rate

*Inclusive of all regular base services (e.g. digital entry from manuscript, content editing/specific notations, forma=ng/layout, general cleaning/detail work, extracting/consolidating parts, cueing, generating performance notes/front matter).

Music Engraving/Copying$57.67

Page Rates

*A page is here understood as a literal full page of music, not Hollywood/Broadway jargon for e.g. “4 bars of an orchestral score” / “40 bars of an instrumental part.” N.B. that page rates will not apply in the case of complex notations and/or a high concentration of graphics (e.g. certain strains of contemporary classical music, aleatoric notations, Schenkerian analysis, textbook excerpts)

Paper SizeUnit Cost
Octavo / 6.875 X 10.5” (choral score)$15.81
9 X 12” part$9.92
9.5 X 12.5” part$10.85
10 X 13” / B4 part$11.77
11 X 14” score$34.43
11 X 17” / A3 score$47.44

Frame Rates

*A frame is here understood to mean a measure of music which is not empty. Multiple voices in the same measure count as additional frames. For extracting parts, double the price of the score or employ additional page rates.

Frame TypeUnit Cost
Music (per voice)$0.42
Lyrics (per layer)$0.16
Text (each)$0.16
Chord Names (per layer)$0.12
Graphics (each)$0.25

Music Printing & Binding Fees

*Presuming highest grade product = high-resolution laser prints, 60-70 lb. ivory or cream stock, card stock covers, spiral-bound scores, parts saddle-stitched or artist/console tape. Properly folded, pagination double- and triple- checked, properly catalogued/sorted.

Hourly/Bench Rate

Printing & Binding$52.82 (+materials)

Page Rates

Paper SizeUnit Cost
Octavo / 6.875 X 10.5”$0.65
9 X 12”$0.77
9.5 X 12.5”$0.81
10 X 13” / B4$0.85
11 X 14”$0.96
11 X 17 / A3$0.96

Additional Services

*Transcription (“takedown” in some circles) is here understood to mean music transcription (“lifting”) from audio sources, generally directly into a scorewriting software (e.g. Finale, Sibelius, Dorico)

Transcription from Audio$65.22
Piano Reduction for Rehearsal$59.92
MIDI Import Cleanup$62.64
On-Site Librarian Services$54.80 (or union min.)
Private Lessons / General Consulting$73.49

Additional Surcharges

*May be applied to any existing pay structure and may be stacked/compounded at the discretion of the client/their union local. Provincial/State-mandated labour laws may apply.

Overtime (daily or weekly)150%
Rush Pay150%
Holiday/Stat Pay150%


I.  Large Projects

It may be advisable to negotiate larger projects spanning multiple work weeks (e.g. symphonic, opera, film score, textbook) on a flat/per-project basis.

II.  Bulk Pricing

The client & artist may opt to negotiate a lower rate per piece if multiple pieces are being engraved/edited.

III.  Revisions

If substantial revisions and/or rewrites are expected, the engraver/copyist may request a higher rate, additional padding, or some type of cutoff for free revisions.

Where do these recommendations come from?

This information is based on the recommendations of an independent research report completed in summer 2024 by engraver / copyist Matthew Karas, commissioned by the Canadian League of Composers. The full report, including its methodology, other findings, and more information on these recommendations, can be read here.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or observations, we would love hear from you at