The CLC is happy to announce our new council members! Maria-Eduarda Mendes Martins is taking over the treasurer position, Sasha Louis Leger is our new Atlantic Region Representative and Lesley Hinger is our new Alberta/Northern Region Representative. Welcome aboard! 

We’d like to warmly thank our departing council members Ethan Hill, and Catherine McGowan, for their amazing work with the CLC. We would especially like to extend our gratitude to past-president Sophie Dupuis who is departing the CLC after many years of dedicated and passionate service. Thanks to her steadfast leadership, the CLC emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever and is in a strong position to carry out its mandate on behalf of Canadian Composers. 

New Music landscapes seem to be changing. By working with the CLC, I hope to learn as much as I can, and perhaps have ideas about how to promote growth and sustainability within Canadian Contemporary Music.
– Maria-Eduarda Mendes Martins

I am excited to be joining the CLC to continue its mission of advocating for composers and promoting Canadian music. I think it’s fair to say that the quality of original music seeing daylight from all regions of Canada is up there with the rest of the world. I am especially passionate about music for the screen, and I look forward to helping support media composers through professional development opportunities and resources offered by the CLC.
– Sasha Louis Leger

As a long-time CLC member, I’m very excited to be joining the CLC council this year! I’m particularly looking forward to getting more actively involved in supporting the well-being of composers and sound artists in Canada, and championing the interests and talents of artists here in Alberta and the Northern Territories. Plus I suspect it will be fun!
– Lesley Hinger