Advocating for Canadian Composers since 1951
Why become a member?
Join over 500 of your fellow composers representing all regions, both official languages, and a diversity of styles, backgrounds and career stages.
- Support the CLC’s professional development programs, advocacy campaigns, and resource projects;
- Listing in our members database;
- Access to insurance benefits through Front Row Insurance, and COHIP
Commissioning Rates
How much should you charge for your original music?
Canadian Composition Workshops Database
Looking for a list of Composition workshops in Canada?
Grand Rights
Composing for Dance, Theatre, and Music Theatre.
Sync & Mechanical Licensing Guidelines
Understanding your rights
Who We Are

Learn more about the CLC’s national council and staff.

Support Our Activities.
Help us continue to foster an environment in which Canada’s composers and their music are highly valued.

CLC Programs

Learn more about our PIVOT Mentorship Program, our webinars, and other activities.